Christopher Currell
For a total of over 30 years, Christopher Currell has composed, performed and
synthesized a broad range of music, including classical, jazz, rock, avant-garde
and pop. Christopher has worked on a wide variety of projects from film scores
to pop albums to video games to theme parks.
Christopher is pioneering in the field of guitar synthesis. He is also
curremtly involved with the music project, "ishwish".
Some of the exceptional musicians Christopher has had the privilege of working
with include Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, Paul Simon, Meatloaf, Luther Vandross,
Denny Seiwell, Jennifer Batten, Sheryl Crow, Jimmy Smith, Stevie Wonder,
Allan Holdsworth, Stryper, Dokken, and Stanley Clark.
Christopher Currell performed the Synclavier, Digital Guitar, and many special effects
on this award winning album. Christopher also helped arrange the hit "BAD"
along with Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones. Christopher also played Synclavier and
Digital Guitar on Michael Jackson's "BAD" world tour.
Christopher has also contributed to the new Michael Jackson album "HISTORY".
Christopher's listed album credits include: Rhythm Arrangements, Synclavier, Guitars
and Percussion.
Christopher uses and endorses Jimmy Wess guitar strings, Euphonic Audio speakers and
amplifiers, CMI keyboards, Muse Research Receptor and Starr Labs Ztar.